Estate Planning

What is Estate Planning?

Although one's “estate” is adequately defined as his or her “property,” there is no precise definition of "estate planning." Your estate plan can be viewed as a series of steps to be taken, so that after you die, your property will be handled in a way that recognizes your values and wishes regarding your survivors and any charitable interests you might have. When people start thinking about these things, some important lifetime concerns often come to mind, too, such as preparing for possible physical or mental disability. So those issues are frequently addressed as well when one plans his or her estate.

Estate planning is very important to helping preserve wealth for future generations. We help our clients to determine their potential estate tax liability.

A well-constructed strategy can help address your specific estate planning needs including:

  • Minimizing income and estate taxes

  • Transferring wealth from one generation to the next

  • Developing charitable gifting strategies

  • Aligning existing portfolios and retirement accounts with your estate plan.